Introducing Twoish

Designed To Meet Offline.

Find people who are actually looking to go out. Mingle for fun, friendship, or maybe more.
How Twoish Works:

Create your own meetups
Find nearby events and invite others

Twoish helps you do both.


For Everyone

You'll find others wanting to go out.

Group Meetups

Sometimes it's more fun with a group.

Block Users

Don't like jerks? Block them.

Spam Filter

Report spam & we'll take care of them.

Travel Friendly

Get to know locals & make new friends.

Female Friendly

Choose if it's worth your time.

And so much more...

Find nearby events

Check out who wants to go out and invite them.

Get the inside scoop

Keep track of messages and invites here.

Message each other

Keep it short, save the fun talk when you meet.

Changing the hangout game.

Chemistry happens in person